Destiny: New Destiny Expansion(?) Reveal on June 9th! Also Xur Week 91

Datto Weekly Update:. Man, what the hell is it gonna take to get y'all to watch some damn character guides. Granted, Symmetra isn't exactly the most popular character, but STILL. I thought with Overwatch being a zillion times more popular that it would get more than it did, it didn't even beat out my ISIC guide for Battleborn. I dunno man. If y'all ain't watching Overwatch, then I truly don't know what the hell I can put up on this channel that y'all are gonna watch that's even close to Destiny. On that note, enjoy the Mercy gameplay going up later today. Seriously though, I'm glad the guide was at least very well received, so thanks to those who did watch it. A lot of people asking about Battleborn and if I still play (I do) and what's going on with that and here's the brief answer: Battleborn is not as good of a Youtube viewing experience as something like Overwatch is. I might make a longer explanation in video form on my other channel, but basically: if I put up a sweet Battleborn gameplay, it would be like, 25 minutes long, which no one is gonna watch. If I put up an Overwatch gameplay, it will be at the most, 10-11 minutes, which is more manageable. On top of that, Overwatch is more flashy than Battleborn and I realize the irony. If I pull off a triple kill in Overwatch, it looks more impressive than it does in Battleborn. That's the short answer. Maybe I'll expand on that somewhere else. I still have nothing to say about the next Destiny reveal. We found out a date, we'll learn more about it then. If they're revealing it before E3, I have no idea what that means for its presence AT E3. Activision doesn't have a booth this year, which is a large hint towards Destiny not really having much of a presence there. If there's no Destiny at E3, the next place we'd possibly see something is during Gamescom or PAX Prime, which is in August. All I got is: we'll see. Otherwise, I've been streaming a ton to make up for lack of videos, thanks to those of you who have been tuning in to the non-Destiny stuff. D&D as usual at 6pm PDT on Friday. More Overwatch over the weekend probably. Destiny on Tuesday. Until next week..

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