JC MINER: Opens Fate Collides, and Break Point Pokemon Booster: SO EXCITED, AND GIVEAWAYS!
IF you are enjoying this content please please show me some love on that like button. Comment away, subscribe for future updates, and share this bad boy. Don’t forget any games you want to see please let me know in the comments below. |--| Games list. |--| PC List:. 1- Brawlahalla. 2- Fallout (New Vegas). 3- Dirty Bomb. 4- FreeStyl2: Street Basketball. 5- GunZ 2: The Second Duel. 6- Nosgoth. 7- PES 2016 My Club. 8- Relic Hunters Zero. 9- Rise of Incarnates. 10- Team Fortress 2. 11- War Inc. Battlezone. 12- Warframe. 13- Hearthstone. 14- MTG Online. 15- Star Wars Battlefront 2. 16- Guild Wars 2 (Maybe). 17- Sleeping Dogs. 18- Robocraft. 19- World of Soccer. 20- Pokémon Rocket Strike. 21- Pokémon Dark Cry. 22- Pokémon Gaia. Xbox ONE list:. 1- Far Cry Primal. 2- Minecraft. 3- Metal Gear Solid V. 4- Battlefield 4. 5- Battlefield Hardline. 6- Rainbow Six Siege. 7- NHL 2016. 8- Fallout 4. 9- GTA V. 10- Watch Dogs. 11- MAD MAX. 12- Metro Redux. 13- Destiny. 14- Titanfall. 15- Star Wars Battlefront. 16- Call of Duty Black Ops 3. 17- Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. 18- Gears of War HD Remake. 19- Gears of War 3. 20- State of Decay. 21- Dead Rising 3. 22- Sunset Overdrive. 23- Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare. 24- Batman Lego 3. 25- Marvel Superhero Lego. 26- Forza 5. 27- NBA 2k15. 28- Fighter Within. 29- Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. 30- Faming Simulator 2015. 31- Evolve. 32- Chivalry. 33- Hand of Fate. 34- Killer Instinct. 35- Knight Squad. 36- Magic Duels. 37- Neverwinter. 38- Resident Evil 2 Revelations. 39- Styx Master of Shadows. 40- Deer God. 41- Thief. 42- Tomb Raider Definitive Edition. 43- Voice Commander. 44- Warframe. 45- Borderlands. 46- UFC 2. 47- The Division. 48- The Witcher 3. 49- Rocket League. 50- Trials Fusion. 51- Just Cause 3. 52- Gunscape.