YOLO vs SWAG - the URFitational Grand Finals | 2015 April Fools LoL URF mode match
YOLO Line-up: HotShotGG, TheOddOne, Reginald, Alex Ich, ClakeyD. Coach - Phreak. |--| SWAG Line-up: SaintVicious, Snoopeh, Xpecial Chauster, Scarra. Coach - Zirene. mid-match roster swaps:. Azure side:. TheoOddone - MapleStreet. Reginald - Bjergsen. Scarlet side:. Chauster - DoubleLift. Scarra - Aphromoo. Patch: 5.6 - Season 5 URF. Game date: 01.04.2015 | 04/01/2015 | April 1st 2015. Game place: LCS Studio, USA. Casters: Kobe and Phreak. Check out the awesome content on my Senpai channel:. LCK Spring 2015:.