League of Legends w/ Discord Friends: The Not Cancer Heal Urf Team
Fair warning ahead of time, this video is PG13 as it may contain a swear from someone in the discord with me. In this random League video it's a team focused on healing eachother in URF(Ultra Rapid Fire). I can assure you this team is 100% not cancerous to the enemy team. The people playing with me are people from a discord I usually play with, someone brought up recording a game so I said why not, let's record it. Unlike the last Random LoL games video all the ones I upload from here on out will have atleast one person with me. Ultra Rapid Fire(URF) is a game mode where you have massively reduced cooldowns on everything(up to 80%), abilities that cost mana or energy have no cost(health costs are halved), ranged champions gain attack speed 2x as fast(melee at 1.5x), and various other buffs that make a lot of champions feel overpowered. Playing this game:. Sona: Me. Taric: Seluit. Soraka: VHK. Alistar: Sayataclaus. Nami Rito Mechanics. When we were in the premade lobby we were trying to coordinate to all have windspeaker's blessing to get massive heals, to all have heal and teleport, and to all have one of our heal abilities(if multiple) at level 1. We were only 1/3 successful at doing this..