Skip to 2:21 for the aftermath. I'm back breaking my old TNT ball record this. I was going to provide a download but I accidentally deleted it before uploading anything so that won't be happening. "Minecraft - Even Bigger Ball o' TNT" is the sequel to "Minecraft - Big Ball o' TNT ". The video is fake because if you notice, most of the hole is made up of smaller holes that somehow look like perfect spheres, the kind of thing that could be easily done with a program like MCEdit. Second for some reason the water around the hole is not flowing, meaning that the area around it must have been replaced with Air without updating the water blocks to make them flow, an effect only possible with a program like MCEdit. Next note that the water that doesn't flow around the hole is only around the hole, and not above it, let me remind you that TNT cannot destroy water. And last note the missing Bedrock, which he claimed the TNT blew through, Bedrock cannot be blown through by TNT not because it would crash the game if you had enough but because you cannot deliver enough damage in the same instance to destroy Bedrock. So how did he remove it. Well note that there is a perfect spherical hole running up to the the Bedrock, which is exactly what you would see if he just went in with the MCEdit sphere tool. The world was generated with Beta 1.7.3 terrain using a mod that allows it. The ball was inserted into the world using MCEdit. The video was recorded using Screenflow on a mac and then converted to .MP4 by running it through Adobe After Effects and then finally edited on Sony Vegas (run on a Virtual Machine). The final product was then test uploaded to pinpoint the thumbnail Youtube chose and then adjusted and re-rendered and then uploaded to what you see here. EDIT:. Original video was published March 28th of this year but an error developed that stopped some people from being able to watch it. Republished August 25th 2012. I apologize about not distributing the map but I have no way of recovering the world. If there's a demand though I'll consider making another video like this and if I do so I'll try and be more thorough about saving the map..