Hearthstone: Trump's Opinion on All Naxxramas Cards

Wanna know Trump's opinion an ALL Naxxramas cards. You've come to the right place. Get some popcorn ready and prepare yourself for 40 minutes of rambling. |--| Alternatively you can cheat the system and check below for the cards you are interested in. ········································­········································­····. 00:18 - Undertaker. 01:00 - Zombie Chow. 02:14 - Echoing Ooze. 03:17 - Haunted Creeper. 04:08 - Mad Scientist. 05:32 - Nerub'ar Weblord. 06:39 - Nerubian Egg. 08:05 - Unstable Ghoul. 08:50 - Dancing Swords. 10:00 - Deathlord. 12:14 - Shade of Naxxramas. 13:40 - Stoneskin Gargoyle. 14:44 - Baron Rivendare. 16:06 - Wailing Soul. 17:07 - Feugen & Stalagg. 19:36 - Loatheb. 21:10 - Sludge Belcher. 23:53 - Spectral Knight. 25:00 - Kel'Thuzad. 26:14 - Maexxna. 26:58 - Webspinner (Hunter). 28:08 - Voidcaller (Warlock). 28:35 - Reincarnate (Shaman). 29:48 - Poison Seeds (Druid). 30:58 - Duplicate (Mage). 32:00 - Death's Bite (Warrior). 33:04 - Dark Cultist (Priest). 34:43 - Avenge (Paladin). 36:09 - Anub'ar Ambusher (Rogue). ········································­········································­····. ● Naxxramas playlist:.

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