Metal Gear Solid V - Phantom Pain - ( The Awakening )

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is an open world action-adventure stealth video game developed by Kojima Productions and. directed, designed, co-produced and co-written by Hideo Kojima, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360. and Xbox One. MGS5 is the eleventh canonical installment in the Metal Gear series and the fifth within the series' chronology. |--| It serves as a sequel to Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, and a continuation of the narrative established there, and a. prequel to the original Metal Gear game. It carries over the tagline of Tactical Espionage Operations first used in Metal Gear. Solid: Peace Walker. Set in 1984, the game follows the mercenary leader Punished "Venom" Snake as he ventures into Afghanistan. and the Angola—Zaire border region to exact revenge on the people who destroyed his forces and came close to killing him during. the climax of Ground Zeroes. In the aftermath of the events of Ground Zeroes and the destruction of Militaires Sans Frontières (commonly abbreviated as MSF),. Big Boss (Kiefer Sutherland/Akio Otsuka) falls into a coma. Nine years later, he awakes and helps lead a new mercenary group,. Diamond Dogs. Adopting the codenames "Punished Snake" and "Venom Snake", he ventures into Afghanistan during the Soviet–Afghan. War and the Angola—Zaire border region during the Angolan Civil War to track down the men responsible for MSF's destruction. Along the way, he becomes reacquainted with his former rival Ocelot (Troy Baker/Satoshi Mikami) and encounters Quiet, an assassin. with supernatural abilities. While he and Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller (Robin Atkin Downes/Tomokazu Sugita) are initially driven. to exact revenge, Snake soon unearths a plot by the Cipher organization to develop a new model of the Metal Gear system known. as the ST-84 "Sahelanthropus". Giveaway Video:.

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