Bloodborne Part 77 - BE THE BIGGER MAN

Welcome to my Let's Play of Bloodborne. Bloodborne is a game by FromSoftware and is a spiritual successor to the Dark Souls series. This game promotes much faster gameplay though with an emphasis on offence rather than defence. We're taking on the role of crime-stopping, mystery writer Jessica Fletcher. Will her perceptive eye save her from the crazed inhabitants of Yharnam. Probably not, no. Expect me to die a lot. |--| In today's video we work our way through the Frenzy filled Nightmare of Mensis, and finally reach the doors beyond the rock throwing monsters. Inside, however, we find a gaggle of giants spiders, and even a hunter. We are able to unlock a couple of shortcuts, making our progress easier, before heading back to the Hunter's Dream to level up..

lets play,   bloodborne,   dark souls