Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain PC 100% Walkthrough 72 Mission 41 (Proxy War Without End)
Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain PC/PS4/XBOXOne/PS3/XBOX360 100% S-Rank Perfect Stealth Walkthrough 72 (All Collectibles) Mission 41 (Proxy War Without End) Full HD 1080p 60FPS. This is my walkthrough of Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain. This walkthrough includes every mission objectives, S-rank in every mission, all the collectibles including Backup Back Down Remaining Objectives, Posters, Emblems, BluePrints, Blueprint Invoice, Travel Points and Animals. I'm gonna try to achieve perfect stealth in every mission. |--| Show some support by liking and subscribing my videos and my channel :). _______________________________________________________. (Proxy War, Without End Collectibles). Blueprint [Flamethrower]: 13:20. _______________________________________________________. (Proxy War, Without End Objective List). Eliminate the gunship: 13:05. Eliminate 2 tanks: 03:45, 05:51. Eliminate 2 armored vehicles: 03:45, 04:58. Extract 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles: 03:45, 05:51. Extract the armored column's commander: 12:18. Secure the rough diamond hidden by the commander: 14:02. Secure the blueprint carried by the gunship: 13:20. _______________________________________________________. Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus:. Facebook.