Hello der my friends and welcomes to the Potato Games. Withs me today is Ross the Sloth, Max and Potatoes Man. Ok Potatoes Man is actually Adams but he kind of lose it in this deathrun and he goes full Potato. Once he was full potato he began to playing with his prey, teasing us and telling us he wouldn't hit the trap but then hitting the trap. Such horrific events. Any way guys I hope that your likeded this G Mod Funny Moments and as the always Dirts, Have the Great Day :). Translate to English -. Hey guys, welcome back to another G Mod Deathrun. ThatGuyBarney is playing today’s G Mod Deathrun with SkyVsGaming, House_Owner, and Mithzan. Sky starts as Death (more commonly known as a potato), and Max dies right off the bat. Ross morphs into a furry, then he and Ross drown. Sky runs around with his favorite potato face, making noises he feels fit his character, then he, Ross, and Max all die of their own accord. Ross turns into a human version of a Minecraft mob and continues successfully through the run as everyone else freaks out about Max never having seen Star Wars. He finally finds the model he really wanted – Minecraft’s Steve. Steve sacrifices himself for the dinosaur and requests that Barney build in his memory. Sky proves that it wasn’t the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, but rather the giant potato with the fucked up face. Ross saves him and Barney makes it to a trap that’s incredibly trippy, and it kills him without Sky’s help. Steve ambushes Barney and Sky on their next run, but he bails when he sees he’s outnumbered – he tries to blow them up but his hit to the barrel doesn’t do it, so he books it until he, too, dies in the trippy trap. His only regret. He didn’t kill the Ender Dragon. Everyone opts to be dinosaurs in the next round, but their bloodline runs out when they prove themselves to be just terrible at G Mod. Max continues to make a fool of himself as he dies repeatedly on the early traps, and Barney is attacked by America. Max allows anyone who’s anime to pass, and Ross makes it all the way to the trippy trap, which inevitably trips him up. Sky decides to join the anime ranks to pass through, but Max doesn’t think his model quite checks out. As Barney outros as Death, Max dies yet again without anyone’s help, and that’s it for this G Mod Deathrun. Thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next time!.