(BO3 Glitches) 2 *NEW* On-top of Spire Glitches | Eclipse Glitches (Best Black ops 3 Glitches)
(BO3 Glitches) 2 *NEW* On-top of Spire Glitches | Eclipse Glitches (Best Black ops 3 Glitches). Founders of Spot: UnknownGlitcherHD (ME) and CamCamDan. Text Tutorial:. 1) Start up a "PRIVATE GAME" with the scorestreaks - Talon, Hardened Sentry, and Helistorm. |--| 2) Get the scorestreaks. Put the Hardened Sentry and then run into the ball and hold square or x at the same time. 3) Exit your sentry and then throw the ball. |--| MAKE SURE YOUR FRIEND HAS HIT THE SENTRY 11 TIMES WITH A GUN. |--| 4) As you throw the ball enter your helistorm. Have your friend kill you and destroy your sentry. |--| 5) When you exit your hellstorm, immediately call in your talon. |--| 6) This gets tricky. Have a friend guide you to the building outside the map. |--| 7) Exit your talon, and you should have teleported to the building. |--| ENJOY!. Social Media:. PSN: Tinyshoter435. Twitter: @YTUnknownG. Twitch: Theno1hacker. Skype: Message me on YouTube and I'll send it to you the name. Current Subscriber goal is 1,000 subscribers.