-Don't spawn this on crowded or overloaded servers, you might get banned. The Melody is a dieselpunk airship that uses. vacuum tanks to generate lift. The ship uses many props but few constraints,. even so it might lag on some heavy maps if your system. can't handle the load. Therefore pleas don't ever spawn this on servers, it might even crash them. |--| Keep it for you single player experiences :). 2 things that are obvious, but I menton them anyways. you are not allowed to re-upload this airship or. claim that it is a creation of yours. If you get errors, make sure you got all the listed addons. |--| To manuver this, instructions and info about all it's many functions are. in the video. Requirements:. -You need Garry's Mod. -and some addons for gmod:. -Wiremod. -Sprops. -ACF (armoured combat framework). -Advanced dupelication tool 2. -Fin tool 2. My workshop collection (all the mods you need for building):.