EastyMeetsWesty - Uncharted 4 - Round Two And Loving It

Thanks for your support and as always stay frosty. ~EMW Stream Rules~ (For the people that need them). -Absolutely no Solicitation, IE: Channel, video, asking for subs or any other self-promoting of any sort. (Instant Ban). -Do not spam with random letters or lots of emoji. Please try to say everything in one message. (Warning, Timeout, then Ban). -Please keep the chat to English speaking only. (Warning, then Timeout). -No caps lock chat, AKA shouting. (Warning, Timeout, then Ban). -Do not disrespect anyone, especially me or the mods (Timeout, then Ban or Instant Ban). -No Fanboyism or flame wars of any kind. (Warning, Timeout, then Ban). -Do not ask to become a mod. (Warning, then Ban).

eastymeetswesty,   gaming,   live streaming,   ps4,   wiiu