#393 Super Dodge Ball (Neo Geo) Bosses: D. Maou Team ( D Maou, Boo and Daa) playthrough.
A playthrough of the boss team D. Maou Team in the Neo Geo version of Technos' Super Dodge Ball. Thanks to Alvaro Gomez for reminding me about this game. Maou's moves:. Arcing shot : qcf + A. Dragon punch shot: f, d, df + A. Super move: f, hcf + A. Boo and Daa's move:. Powered shot: f, d, df + A. Charge super meter: hold A+B together. Super Dodge Ball for the Neo Geo was a sort of remake of the original arcade game from about 10 year prior. It was released in 1996, and so I thought I'd cover it. After choosing a team, players fight against six other teams before fighting the boss of the game, D. Maou also has exclusive demonic cohorts, who apart from their palette swap play much like their counterparts on other teams. The game is an odd dodgeball-fighting hybrid game. Player can use regular moves such as a running throw or an aerial throw, but each main character and their cohorts can use special moves, done in a street fighter quarter-circle fashion. D.Maou's moves are relatively useless however; his projectile special move constantly misses the enemy, while his dragon punch special move doesn't deal much damage, and is usually blocked. I generally try to keep him alive just so he can use the team's super move when able. Boo and Daa are actually significantly more useful as characters. Their dragon punch motion move deals significant damage against opponents when it hits, and if the opponent's players can lined up it will hit them consecutively, potentially taking out all three opponents on the team at once. Their running throw (f, f + A) acts similarly, though doesn't penetrate through the opponent's team members. There's also a second form of D. Maou, seen in the video, where he regains his health and can do aerial shots, but I wasn't able to access that form. I suspect the CPU Maou has a flag which makes it transform into it when its low on health. Maou is a decent, appropriate boss for something as off-beat as a dodgeball fighting game. I love the dramatic, anime-esque ending for D. Maou in particular, which shows the developers knew not to take this concept too seriously. As a game, Super Dodge Ball is somewhat decent, but it's main fault are the zooming camera angles. I personally found this extremely distracting, and it was difficult to focus on the gameplay when knocked out enemy players were attempting to throw shots at me. It's extremely disorientating, and nearly ruins which is otherwise a good game. It goes to show that sometimes innovation can be hubristic..