Alex Jones Depicted in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Mechanical Apartheid - New Video Game
Alex Jones appears to be depicted as a Transhumanist fighting for "Transhumist rights" in the new video game Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - The Mechanical Apartheid. A figure, who undoubtedly is meant to be Jones, is shown fighting against the "prejudiced" non-Transhumanists who are depicted as the bad guys who want to round up the "Augs," as the Transhumanists are called in the game, and lock them up in Concentration Camps after some of them go berserk due to their technological enhancements getting hacked. UPDATE: Upon further investigation it appears that the hacking of the Augs which caused them to go bad, and the terrorist attacks, were false flags to blame the Transhumanists to start the war, and so the game may be depicting Alex Jones as a freedom fighter who wants to stop the round up of the innocent Augs which was an agenda rolled out as a result of the inside job false flag terrorist attack. What is clear is that this game does raise some very real and serious questions about the coming Transhumanist technology and the possible ramifications on humanity, our safety, and our freedoms. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story. © 2016 by Mark Dice. Order Mark's New Book THE ILLUMINATI IN HOLLYWOOD--. In Paperback on