THIS IS ESPORT 2016 League Of Legends Dota 2 Point blank CSGO Crossfire
League of Legends FREE Champions Hack ⇒ 2016. League of Legends FREE Champions Hack ⇒ 2016. League of Legends FREE Champions Hack ⇒ 2016. Here is what I did to get this to work. You see League of Legends doesn't want you to know about this link but me and my friends found out about it. We wanted you, yes you to know about this bug that will get you a lot of RP and all the Champions free. How it works. |--| 1) Play Until you reach level 5 or more (May need level 6 so Riot's server can verify you got to level 5) (This step is vital or Riot will think you are an account spammer and delete your account). 2) Log out of League of Legends (IMPORTANT). 3) Use this hack. 4) Relog (Log in and it should work). 5) You should have enough RP to buy what ever you want and possibly the champions (If you don't get the champions you can just buy them now). Is this free. |--| Yes, it is 100% Free. Will this give me a keylogger, trojan or virus. |--| No, League of Legends is 100% free and safe to download. We already have thousands of happy downloaders. What if it didn't work. |--| Maybe you used the wrong link as it changes from time to time, you could try again via re-creating from the link which I will make up-to-date as soon as it goes down. |--| Have you tested this. |--| Yes, I tested it and it worked and have been using and telling people for months now. |--| What LoL server does this work with. |--| North America, EU West and EU Nordic & East. |--| Does this still work if I add friends to the acocunt before getting level 5. |--| Yes, it will still work. PS: Feel free to comment, like, subscribe and share this video. The more people who know about this video and link the better for the league of legends community..