GRAND THEFT AUTO ADVANCE [ GBA Gameplay - 4FirstPlay ]

Mike is a small-time criminal, working for the more connected Vinnie. He was saved by Vinnie when he was homeless, and Mike is reconsidering to leave Liberty City with Vinnie and retire from their life of crime elsewhere, like San Fierro or Vice City, but Vinnie decides that they should look for a few more jobs from their employers, the Mafia, before they leave Liberty, so they could gather more money to leave and settle up. Name in Japanese:. グランド・セフト・オート・アドバンス. Arabic:. سرقة السيارات الكبرى أدفانس. Chinese:. 俠盜獵車手. Characters:. Vinnie. Jonnie. Cisco. 8-Ball. Asuka Kasen. King Courtney. Misty. Unnamed Cartel Boss.

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