Who's Your Daddy NEW GAME MODE - GASOLINE HIDE & SEEK | 7 Babies vs 1 Daddy (Family Gathering)
TWITCH - www.twitch.tv/razzbowski. Who's your Daddy is an insanely hilarious game but now we have changed it FOREVER. Introducing the new mode in Who's your Daddy 'FIERY HIDE & SEEK'. This will revelutionize the way we play Who's your Daddy. The rules are as follows:. 1) Gather players to play hide and seek. Use "_HNS" as an add-on to a lobby name to people know it's Hide & Seek :). 2) Once the game starts, come to the living room.. 3) Each baby must douse themselves in gasoline.. 4) The daddy will then face the clock in the living room.. 5) The babies have until 1:30 to hide, the Daddy will announce he's coming in the chat. The Daddy then goes and 'seeks' out each baby to win. Once the Daddy finds a baby he set's him alight with a candle. That baby is now out of the game. If the daddy kills all the babies before the time is up he wins. he's committed horrible flamey murder but yes he wins. Who's Your Daddy now has character customization. Baby and Daddy can wear hats and glasses for hilarious results. The Who's your Daddy customization update is dope as hell. Episode 4 of a new Who's your Daddy Series w/ Razzbowski and today he is joined by 8-Bit Ryan. Who will be the ultimate daddy?. I hope you enjoy this Who's your Daddy gameplay video and if you do please drop a like down below. Hey, if you'd like to see more of these Who's your Daddy funny moments vids then let me know down in the comment section too. Enjoy XD. Who's your Daddy is a hilarious casual game in which the baby has to kill itself and the daddy has to keep the baby alive until the mother comes home. Who will win?. Who's your Daddy Family Gathering added an extra hilarious element to it by adding up to 8 Babies and Daddies. Honestly Who's your Daddy is one of the funniest Indie games I've played. Enjoy this Who's your Daddy gameplay funny moments. Also let me know what you think about a Minecraft Roleplay series coming to the channel too. 8-bitryan's channel:.