How to be Confident EVERYDAY | Nerd Motivation

How can you be more confident in yourself everyday. Building your self confidence is helpful skill that takes time and patience. With these confidence tips you'll find that you can more confident in your looks or your body but I suggest focusing on your metal well being and then growing from there. Finding something about yourself that you love can be extremely difficult but once you find it, the goal is to build around that thing and duplicate the feeling into other places in your life. I like to use Nintendo's Super Mario is a good analogy for this because when you play the Mario games you find yourself challenged at every turn and it is very easy to rage quit and give up but facing the challenge is part of the fun and success is it's own reward. Treat building your self confidence in the same way. Treat it as challenge that will do nothing but improve your life. Nerd Motivaton is an inspirational Series of funny motivational videos created to help others improve their lives, gain confidence and celebrate life created and hosted by Youtuber and motivational speaker Chris Sanders (@csandreas). By providing advice on a multitude of topics such as dating, being awkward, suicide prevention and more my goal is to improve your quality of life. In other words, make you happy. What makes nerd motivation unique is we take old concepts and relate them to video games, comics, internet memes, anime and literature. Self Help is extremely important and I want to help empower you to be the mightiest version of yourself possible, no gamma rays or utility belts needed. If you have any questions or video ideas please contact me @csandreas on twitter, snapchat and Instagram. I’m also on facebook at facebook.