League of Legends - Omega Squad Teemo vs Master Yi - Top Full Game (S5) Season 5

This was a loss but winning every game is just unrealistic. Teemo can't do it all unfortunately. Either way, I don't think I would play any differently if it was a different game. This is how you can play vs Yi if you ever get matched up. Shout out to Trollmo, one of my subscribers. It was a good game bro. We tried our best. Runes and Masteries:. Runes- (Attack Speed Marks, Attack Speed Seals, Attack Speed. Glyphs, Movement Speed Quints.). Masteries- 27-0-3 (All into offense, and 3 points into Ulility [3 pts into movement speed], max your damage both AP and AD. 1 point into Attack Speed, 3 points in Sorcery [cool downs 3.75%], Double Edged Sword and both of the other mastery slots underneath that, 3 pts in Executioner and both slots under that, the rest is for the AP. Max damage!).
