Apex Gaming vs NRG eSports | Game 1 S6 NA LCS Summer 2016 Week 1 Day 2 | APX vs NRG G1 W1D2 1080p
League of Legends Season 6 NA League Championship Series Summer 2016. |--| Third match of Stream 2 - Apex Gaming vs NRG eSports best of 3 Game 1. |--| APX vs NRG G1 full game in HD 1080p. Apex Gaming Line-up:. Ray - top Trundle. Shrimp - jungle Elise. Keane - mid Vladimir. Apollo - ADC Caitlyn. Xpecial - Support Braum. NRG eSports Line-up:. Quas - Top Ekko. Santorin - Jungle Rek'Sai. GBM - Mid Azir. Oqh - ADC Sivir. Kiwikid - Support Bard. Patch: 6.10 - season 6. Game date: 04.06.2016 | 06/04/2016 | June 4th 2016. Game place: NA LCS Battle Theater. Casters: Zirene and Phreak. S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Playoffs playlist:.