Call of duty Black ops - Lets Discuss my channel and Infinite Warfare
This is just a chill session guys where I just talk about my channel's future while doing a live commentary on black ops 1 on the Xbox one. I'm playing with FunkySquadHD and this a search and destroy match. Please stick around to hear my thoughts on this channel I would really appreciate it guys. I also forgot to put my outro XD subscribe for more content I'm only improving show SUPPORT !. Aka DreamZ is chasing a bright future stick along to watch my channel grow :D. Songs in the video (I do not own this music all Credit goes to the original owner). JPB - High [NCS Release]. Distrion & Electro-Light - Rubik [NCS Release. Vanze - Forever (feat. Brenton Mattheus) [NCS Release]. Jim Yosef - Lights [NCS Release]. Channel NCS - NoCopyRightSounds.