Minecraft 1.9 - Practical Guardian Farming. Quiz and Bushes (Fun Farms Ep. 6)

WORLD DOWNLOADS - will add them a little bit later. Guardian Farming for drops and XP, and keeping Ocean Monument intact. Almost. This is a sixth episode in my series - 'Fun Farms', where I am taking one mob at a time and showing unique farms based around some interesting game mechanics. Three farms that allow keeping the original structure of the monument - Simple (14.5 kdrops/h), Practical (50 kdrops/h and 75-130 kXP/h), and Fun one (who cares, it works, and it is fun). Third person camera recorded using Replay Mod for 1.8. Rest recorded in 1.9.4, or modded 1.9.0 (pink carpet). References:. World Downloads: COMING SOON. Nathan Ryan Ocean Monument Saga:.

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