Game Of Throne S06E06 "Arya Betrays Jaqen H'ghar" EPIC EXCLUSIVE UPDATE LATEST NEW BEST HD OMG
Game Of Thrones Season 6 EXCLUSIVE * UPDATE. - Review -. - # Season 6 Episode 6 6x06 S06E06. 6x06 | BLOOD OF MY BLOOD. An old foe comes back into the picture. Gilly meets Sam’s family. Arya faces a difficult choice. Jaime faces off against the High Sparrow. |--| In any case, that’s all the North we get. Let’s fly on our merry way, through the swirling snow and. over this high wall of ice. Notice Castle Black as we fly, the little dark shapes of Crows milling. about its courtyard. Somewhere not too far off Jon and Sansa are riding to rally the North, though. we won’t see them this week. We won’t see Brienne either, as she makes her way to Riverrun, though. we’ll need to speak more about that soon. |--| Rather, let’s fly across the Narrow Sea to…. Here, a girl is on a mission. A girl has no name, but she seems amused now rather than perturbed. by the play she watches. She laughs at Joffrey’s death, as though seeing it here—even in its bastardized. form—is somehow cathartic. She also notices the young actress, Bianca, jealous of the older woman who. plays Cersei, mouthing her lines. |--| So the girl sneaks inside before the curtains fall, and poisons the older actress’s drink. But on her. way out, the girl is noticed by her target, and drawn into a conversation. The woman’s name is Lady Crane,. the diva of Izembaro’s Braavosi acting troupe, and someone who, we learn, has made many in her company jealous. |--| When Lady Crane tells the girl she thinks the writing is terrible, the girl says “Why don’t you change it?”. She tells the actress that Cersei would not have merely wept at the death of her child. She would have gotten. angry. Then the girl leaves, and we see Lady Crane go to take a deadly drink, but the girl swoops in and knocks. it from her hand. “Be careful of that one,” she says, pointing to Bianca. “She wants you dead.”. Another girl is watching all of this. Jaqen H’ghar’s helper. She goes to tell him what’s happened, and reminds. him that if the girl failed, he promised her she’d be the one to go and kill her. |--| Meanwhile, the girl gives up on her career as a Faceless Man, and goes back to where she buried her sword,. Needle.Arya pulls it from the rocks, like Arthur drawing Excalibur from the stone. And just like that she returns. to us.(This is yet another of my predictions for Season Six to come true. You can read the full ten here. I’m not. doing badly as far as predictions go, but I’ve had both hits and misses so far.). Soon we’ll get a show down between the two girls, and Arya will stick that mean little punk with the pointy end. That’s my guess anyways. |--| Let’s hop on a ship and sail back across the Narrow sea. We’ll make our first stop…. Game of Thrones S06E06 "Daenerys On Dragon".