【X2Toys】ウルトラマグナス アップグレードキット ヲタファのTF非正規レビュー / X2Toys XT009 Upgrade Kit CW Leader Ultra Magnus
チャンネル登録宜しくお願いします。. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL. 次回はどんなおもちゃが緊急発進するかな。. どうぞお楽しみに!. Welcome to my channel [WOTAFA's Secret Base]. |--| I am a toy reviewer and a guitarist. |--| In this channel I review mainly Japanese toys such as. Kamen Rider, Power Rangers, Sentai, Transformers and more. |--| Besides Japanese toys, I review popular toys from all over the world and. vintage / antique toys. |--| Thank you so much for watching. Please subscribe for more. |--| **Subscribing is free. I won't take your money, just your time..