The Bunny Hop | Mother Goose Club Playhouse Kids Video

Looking for lyrics. Turn on closed captions to sing along. Big thanks to all of our fans out there, big and small. Original lyrics and music by Sockeye Media LLC © 2014. All rights reserved. Lyrics:. Deep in the green wood animals play,. Hopping and jumping the day away. |--| Follow the animals in their game. |--| Here we go now, let's do the same. Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop like a bunny, hop hop hop. Jump jump jump like a joey. |--| Jump jump jump like a joey. |--| Jump jump jump like a joey. |--| Jump like a joey, jump jump jump. Leap leap leap like a froggy. |--| Leap leap leap like a froggy. |--| Leap leap leap like a froggy. |--| Leap like a froggie, leap leap leap. Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop like a bunny, hop hop hop. Hop like a bunny, hop hop hop. |--| Hop like a bunny, hop hop hop. |--| Hop like a bunny, hop hop hop..