Looking for lyrics. Turn on closed captions to sing along. Big thanks to all of our fans out there, big and small. Original lyrics and music by Sockeye Media LLC © 2014. All rights reserved. Lyrics:. Deep in the green wood animals play,. Hopping and jumping the day away. |--| Follow the animals in their game. |--| Here we go now, let's do the same. Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop like a bunny, hop hop hop. Jump jump jump like a joey. |--| Jump jump jump like a joey. |--| Jump jump jump like a joey. |--| Jump like a joey, jump jump jump. Leap leap leap like a froggy. |--| Leap leap leap like a froggy. |--| Leap leap leap like a froggy. |--| Leap like a froggie, leap leap leap. Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop hop hop like a bunny. |--| Hop like a bunny, hop hop hop. Hop like a bunny, hop hop hop. |--| Hop like a bunny, hop hop hop. |--| Hop like a bunny, hop hop hop..