CLICKBAIT CHALLENGE ft. SkyPewdSepticPlierCartIsHere (GMod Prop Hunt Funny Moments)
Hey guys, welcome back to another G Mod Prop Hunt. Today SkyVsGaming is joined by ThatGuyBarney, RedVacktor, and Mithzan for some more G Mod Prop Hunt. Sky opens with a Max-heavy intro, then everyone calls Max easy. As Red runs right past Sky (a potted plant), Sky decides it’s time for a sick rap about the instance. Sky announces what he’s next to, but Max runs straight past him anyway, and it’s really doubly embarrassing because Sky isn’t even a normal plant – he’s floating. Meanwhile, Barney is shot to death and reveals Sky to be Criss Angel for his hovering ways, and eventually Red spots and kills him. In the next round, Sky disguises as the world’s most terrifying baby so the props will scream when they see him. He ends up killing himself in a Who’s Your Daddy-esque mishap, while Barney (more commonly known as Captain Jack Sparrow) finds Red and kills him. Barney has an incredible amount of trouble locating Max, who’s staying hidden through inspiration from “The Diamond Minecart.” Meanwhile, Max exposes Barney for doing drugs (the heathen!) until, finally, Max wins. Max reveals that Stan the Cat is in trouble, and Red, a Stormtrooper, shoots Sky down to one health. While Sky hides as a chair, Max gets confused about what game they’re playing – is it YouTube Simulator or Happy Wheels. Amnesia. Pewdiepie. Anyway, what’s Markiplier up to these days. Sky tries to throw Red off his scent by claiming to stalk him, but Barney gives him away by telling Red to “take a seat.” It’s apparently not enough for little old Red, and Sky wins. In the next round, RedVacktor and Sky fight while Barney accuses Red of being a blender. Red says he’s an axe, so Sky, with the best joke of 2016, asks if he can axe him a question. Max, on the other hand, declares this to be the most cringy video of 2016, and that’s it for this episode of G Mod Clickbait – thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next time!.