EXTREME CHALLENGE Hide & Go Seek GAME PLAYGROUND slides games contest fun friends family hopes vlogs
Play an extreme version of hide & go seek game on the playground called Ground Zero where the seeker has to close their eyes and the hiders cannot touch the ground, if the person who is IT yells "ground zero" anyone on the ground becomes IT. A fun version to play with friends if you are looking how to play games and have contest fun with friends at the park, also we slide down the slides, make some easy slime with basic school glue and liquid starch, then I'm packing for a trip to Austin #hope #vlogs #hopesvlogs #fun #family #games #kids #playground #slides #game. Extreme GAME Hide & Go Seek on the PLAYGROUND slides fun friends family hopes vlogs thanks for watching, love you, love Hope. Add me on SnapChat username superherokids.