GmiasWorld Commentary. GmiasWorld loves Gaming. The Madden NFL Series has been a favorite since SEGA Genesis, even though the NFL 2K series on Dreamcast still remains one of the most impressive football games ever made. GmiasWorld has harnessed the power of YouTube to share comedy and gaming an a way that is very different from other YouTubers. From Comedy Skits, Voice Overs, Podcasts, Music albums, GmiasWorld shares it all with you. Compare GmiasWorld to your favorites, AntoDaBoss, CULLENBURGER, cookieboy17, Chris Smoove, Markiplier, sWooZie, DashieGames, theRadBrad, Typical Gamer, or DJ Akademiks. Make sure you subscribe so you never miss a GmiasWorld video. About GmiasWorld. On this channel, you will see Madden 16 Ultimate Team also referred to as MUT 16, a new game mode in Madden 16 that allows gamers to create an Ultimate Team based on NFL players from the past and present. Madden 17 will be released on August 23, 2016 and this channel will have MUT 17 Gameplays from various modes including Madden 17 Gauntlet Mode. GmiasWorld is not just Madden 17, be sure to explore all the YouTube Playlists where you will find interesting topics including why Drake removed Kanye West and Jay Z from Pop Style, was Prince Gay, Is Birdman gay, Will Young Thug attack Charlemagne, Maury Comedy Skits & ©BallsDeep Podcasts with Mrs. GmiasWorld is sharing it all with you. SUBSCRIBE today so you don’t miss anything. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE.