Hack - Pokemon Revolution Online PRO 2016

This is the most impressive bot/hacks you'll find for PRO. It is a full bot with in-game ui and also disables speedhack detection which allows the use of cheat engine. Message me or email [email protected] if you'd like to purchase this bot. The download will include full instructions for setting everything up. Oh, and FUCK the PRO staff. CHEATS. - Cheat Engine Speedhack Detection disabled: use cheat engine speedhack and you will not be autobanned. Be careful that other player will see you go fast and could still report you. |--| - Autoflash: when you enter a dark place flash will be already enabled.(You still need to TAKE HM Flash to go to Route 9). |--| - Radar: click right mouse button to get informations about environment, like number of berry trees, hidden items, dig spots, red and blue pokeballs. Keep pressed mouse button to enable radar icons on map. - Long grab: click right mouse button on objects when you are 2 steps far to speak/take them(instead of 1 step like normal). Almost all berries can be taken from long distance(even 14 steps far) and sometimes trainers can start fight if you right click on them and you are far. |--| - AntiAFK: with this on, you will never go afk. When you are in a battle(wild or trainer) antiafk will be ALWAYS ON(even if you see it set it on red). Use this ONLY when you REALLY go afk, I suggest to NOT USE it when you are walking, try it to understand why. |--| - Hidden levels discovered: wherever your enemy's level should be "??" you will be able to see its real level. |--| - Speed is a little internal speedhack that speeds up dialogue text and walking speed. When you are on foot and you keep pressing Left Shift Button, your speed is doubled(same speed as bike). - BattleLOG shows you every single battle text you receive, useful if you miss something. |--| - Frisk help: if you have a pokemon with frisk ability and it detected an item, a message will popup on screen. If battleLOG is ON you will see green name of the detected item too. |--| - Open PC: it works everywhere inside a Pokecenter. - Save Settings: saves bot settings. Settings are related to the current map. |--| - Load Settings: loads bot settings. Settings loaded will be the saved settings in that map. |--| - Balls in Battle: To avoid itembag loading freeze, if you are in a battle and you want to use a ball, you can press 1 of the 3 Ball Buttons above battle window. Remember that if you don't have that kind of ball in your bag it won't happen anything. ////////////////////////////////////////. Este es el más impresionante bot / hacks encontrará para PRO. Es un robot completo con ui en el juego y también desactiva la detección speedhack que permite el uso del motor de trucos. Mensaje yo si le gustaría probar una demo o comprar la versión completa. La descarga incluye instrucciones completas para configurar todo. Oh, y joder al personal PRO. |--| Categoria. Pessoas e blogs.

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