[5:43PM] [Thursday]. Tomorrow is my brother's school festival which was my elementary it is his last year and it's my mom's last year helping with PTO and my last 7th grade dAnce called "the spring fling" are both happening tomorrow ill be going to both. So that'll be fun. But, this update I'm so hyped up for will be coming out either by the end of this week, heck it could Come out tomorrow, or next week but either way I'm so excited to see reach reborn in halo 5. I am kinda sad that the festival at the elementary will be my last time visiting the school because my brother will be going to another school. But in all honesty I cUt wait for this update friend me on Xbox my gamertag is "jay the green n." And we'll play halo together. By the way this is the first time I've ever had a thumbnail for the video ..