Game of Thrones: Who is really behind the Sons of the Harpy?

Twitter @CalmFireRich @calmfirenate. Calmfirenate talks about who is truly behind the Sons of the Harpy. There have been many theories over the years. |--| Many believe that Varys is the most likely choice to be behind the Sons of the Harpy. Many believe this is his way of trying to get Dany to leave Mareen and most on the Westeros. |--| There are also theories that believes that Daario and Missandei could also be option both fulfilling the prophecy that Dany will be betrayed 3 time. With love being the last betrayal both could fulfill this. The question was asked: Do you believe that the Sons of the Harpy story is over. or is there much more in the future about the Sons of the Harpy?.

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