A NEW RIVALRY CONTINUES!!!!|Garry's Mod Gungame On Overwatch w/ De Fuzzington Bear Part 2
You may have watched my video called "A Hacker?" In that video I played against De Fuzzington Bear, afterwards we contacted each other over steam and we battled it out again. Except this time he cheated I swear, I SWEAR, nah he wasn't cheating, He's just a FLUKER, Well Anyway, Here is our battle Part 2 Enjoy :). If you don't know what GunGame is:. You score invisible points (points you can't see) every time you kill someone, you need around 3 points to upgrade to the next level, Each level you get a different gun to kill people with, you do not lose points when shot. |--| You also carry a knife which is a one hit with a right click from behind, and a left click always does around 33 damage I think. When you kill with a knife you upgrade to the next level but keep the amount of points you had +1 because you just got a kill, so Basically if you have 2 points and need 1 to upgrade to the next gun and you knife someone, you will upgrade 2 guns because you gain 4 points, I'm not entirely sure on this but I have seen it like this so sorry if I am wrong, Also if someone knives you you lose a whole level, so basically when you knife someone you steal a whole level from them. |--| Sometimes the Knife glitches and you gain a level when you are killed by a knife so watch out for that. |--| At the beginning you choose a team, A team means you can't kill your teammates but you are not exactly teaming with them, you are still trying to beat them in points. That's an Overall summary of the game, Enjoy :).