100% Cooldown on Summoner Spells (Explained)

A lot of people have been wondering how Dr. Terrible had unlimited flashes and unlimited smite so this video explains everything. This video explains the 100% cooldown glitch that has been occurring in League Of Legends. This glitch has been hotfixed since May 3rd 2012 and will NOT work on any League server (including PBE). 0:00 - 3:56 Explanation on the glitch and how it was preformed. 3:57 - 5:00 Using the summoner spells Heal and Cleanse. 5:01 - 6:10 Using the summoner spells Ghost and Ignite. 6:11 - 7:30 Using the summoner spells Flash and Smite. 7:31 - 9:02 Using the summoner spells Surge and Clairvoyance. 9:03 - 10:51 Using the summoner spells Teleport and Revive. 10:52 - 12:20 Caitlyn with 107 Attack Damage..

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