This week's Tavern Brawl: Pick 2 cards, get a deck with 15 of each. This is probably the best Tavern Brawl yet. Playing Ice Block + Shade of Naxxramas. No music or audio commentary in the video. Play your own music. Also, I edited out most of the long pauses. How to play: If you have one shade in opening hand, keep it. If you have more than one, toss all shades. Play shades until you think you'll die on your opponent's next turn, then play Ice Block instead. Turn 6 you can play shade + ice block. Fireblast to face when you have the mana for that. Don't attack until you have lethal. This deck beats fatigue decks 99% of the time, hunter mech ~60% of the time, and most other decks about 80-90% of the time. It loses to Bolster Dummy 99% of the time, and also to running out of Ice Blocks or simply forgetting to play one (lost 2 games that way). Innervate Loatheb is a tough matchup but winnable. vs Hunter Mech: If you play first, you're probably going to lose. This deck runs you out of Ice Blocks faster than other decks, and it's much faster with the coin. If you played first and he probably can't do lethal next turn, play shade. It's a better gamble than hoping to draw enough ice blocks. If you're second, you can just coin out the shade turn 2 and not have to worry about it. vs Bolster Dummy: Concede as soon as you've seen both cards. vs Evolve: Unless your opponent gets super-lucky, you should win this, although it may take longer than usual since he could get taunt minions. Fortunately it won't burn through your ice blocks very early, so you've got time..