Destiny | My New Loadout! | Doctrine of Passing/ Party Crasher +1

Hey guys. Welcome to The Official Channel Of IAmTheMeta. In this channel we play Destiny and a whole load of other games. I am primarily a PvP player so that's what you guys are going to see. Overall our goal is to make videos that all of you Guardians would enjoy. Make sure to show some support by Subscribing to our channel. Why The Name. IAmTheMeta is a name I picked for this channel because Destiny always has a "Meta" and I love to use it. GT Ps4: ramsai981 If you want to add me, send me a message letting me know that your a viewer. Our sub goal is 100 so if you guys could help me get there that would be amazin. Guys if you enjoy our videos don't be afraid to subscribe. I know I'm small but together we can become bigger as Team. Use The Meta. Don't be Special :).

ps4live,   playstation 4,   sony computer entertainment,   destiny,   ramsai981