Dual Stream: Grand Theft Auto V Baby!

*****Wilson is on Twitch*****. We want to thank you for being a part of our stream family. Your support to us means so much we want to give back to you. So now we are introducing Wilson rewards. How Wilson rewards works: Every 5 minutes you get 1 rock. The more your here the more you get. You can then turn in your rocks for various things (see rewards) or keep the rocks as bragging rights. How to redeem: Send us a message here on Twitch. Tell us which item you would like to redeem the rocks for, your email, and steam name. Within a few days you will get your item and your rocks will be removed from your account and you can start all over again. Wilson reward rules:. You must be a follower. (We will check). Its a first come first serve basis. Whoever emails us first gets the item. Refer to the rules for other information on the rock system. You must type in chat once every 15 minutes to continue to get rocks. (For the quiet ones just throw a symbol in chat). These items are not refundable..