What is SK Telecom T1. |--| Mark Register explains it all:. SK Telecom T1 is an Esport-works team financed and run by SK Telecom home of two of the greatest Esport legends: Starcraft’s Lim Yo-Hwan Boxer & League of Legends Lee Sang-hyeok Faker. The organization got its start in 2003 when SK Telecom bought StarCraft team Orion (formally 4U) with Boxer as team captain leading the organization to it’s peak in 2005 winning the SKY ProLeague Grand Final then nose diving for two years due to Boxer leaving to join the air force, returning in 2008 bringing his team to victory at the 2008 Shinh Bank Proleague then left again in 2010, came back in 2012 as a coach when SK Telecom switched from Brood War to Starcraft II, then left permanently in 2013 to be a pro poker player. In 2012 SK Telecom poached Eat Sleep Game team members to start their new League of Legends division. In 2013 they revamped their League roster with Bengi, Piglet, PoohManDu, Impact, and Faker which proved fruitful when they went on to win Riot’s Season 3 World Championship making Faker arguably the best League Player of all time. In 2014 they lost in the League Champion Series playoffs to Samsung, then Riot, Korean Esports Association KeSPA, and OnGameNet OGN constricted all League organizations to one League team forcing SK Telecom T1’s S & K teams to merge into SK Telecom T1. Throughout the 2015 season they rotated team members regularly including Faker which paid off when they went on to beat the KOO Tigers at Riot’s 2015 World Championship, winning a cool million, being the first team to win two League World Championships, and eat a stick of broccoli on stage in celebration. It also helps to have money, which they’ll never run out of, SK Telecom made $15.7BB in 2014 under CEO Dong Hyun Jang, and the conglomerate SK Group making $156BB last year, under chairman Chey Tae-won, worth $4.3BB, who also happens to be the former chairman’s nephew, married to the former South Korean president’s daughter, convicted of financial misdeeds in the US & South Korea in 1993, 2003, and 2013, served part of his four year sentence got a presidential pardon and got back to being a boss August 2015. SK Telecom T1 the team with two legends, heart, Seoul, and a Billionaire bad boy boss. Host - Mark Register.