Anna and Elsa toddlers & Baby Alive goes swimming + baby alive videos
The Anna And Elsa toddlers come over and baby alive goes swimming. Our baby dolls decide it's an awesome idea to go in the pool. They play a super fun game of sharks. Have you ever played this swimming game before. One person plays the shark and everyone else stays on the boat(well actually it's a raft but we're pretending it's a boat!). The shark tries to get someone on the boat and if they touch you, tag you're it. Now the next person has to be the shark. It's a fun game of pool tag. Our baby dolls are wearing custom DIY sock bathing suits, you can check out how to make them on our channel. Aren't they cute. I love when baby alive goes swimming with the anna and elsa toddlers. It's so much fun. Since Anna and Elsa don't have a pool at their house they just come over to baby alive Lily and Molly's house to go swimming or to hang out and play games. They are best friends. Do you have a best friend. Do you play pretend with your baby dolls too. What are their names. Usually when they are done swimming they want to have a snack. Sometimes we have a picnic or a bbq, sometimes we just eat or ice cream. I think ice cream after swimming is their favorite. Thanks for watching, we love making baby alive videos for youtube. --SUBSCRIBE. -----. AWESOME BABY ALIVE VIDEOS. |--| Baby Alive Swimming.