Valve released a patch today stating that the chances of receiving an item from the treasure improve with each one you open so I went on and bought enough of levels for another Immortal I. Here is the result. Phantom Concord + Solar Forge + Golden Fortune's Tout in one chest. Official Changelog. All Rare and Very Rare items in the Immortal Treasures now use escalating chances whereas previously only the Ultra Rare items operated along that mechanic. Rarity rolls have been backfilled to users who have already opened Immortal Treasure I, and those with successful rolls will find the respective items waiting in their Armory. |--| Escalating Odds: The chances of receiving an item from this treasure improve with each one you open. When you see a drop with the Escalating Icon, your chances of receiving it improve with each corresponding treasure you open. Open more treasures to make your own fate.