Spear of Destiny

The Spear of Destiny. I want to take some time and introduce you to a what may be one of the most talked about artifacts in history. |--| It’s called The Spear of Destiny or the spear of Longinus. The spear resides, at the moment, at a museum in Vienna. It is an artifact that has an air of mystery and intrigue about it as Adolph Hitler went to extraordinary lengths to obtain it. We know from many different sources that Hitler was, in fact, a trained occultist. He gave himself over, for lack of a better term, to the dark side, to the god of this world Satan. His rise from a humble WWI Corporal to the undisputed master or Fuehrer of Germany was meteoric. I first became familiar with The Spear of Destiny, as it is commonly referred to, about 36 years ago. I was given a book by Trevor Ravenscroft. He claimed to have garnered intimate knowledge about the Spear of Destiny and Hitler’s obsession with it. The problem I still have with his book, is this, there is just no way to verify much of what Ravenscroft tells us. According to Ravenscroft, Hitler believed that the spear was the spear held by the Roman Centurian Longinus, which pierced Jesus’ side while He was on the cross. Hitler and other occultist believed whoever wielded the spear or had possession of it would rule the earth. But why would they believe this. The reason I bring all of this up is that the Occult world is all to real. There are men and women who have given their lives to the god of this world. They want power and prestige and they get it from Satan. Remember, Jesus was offered the kingdoms of this world when He was tempted by Satan. This if from the letter or Gospel written by Luke the physician almost 2000 years ago:. 5Then the devil led Him up to a high place and showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6“I will give You authority over all these kingdoms and all their glory, he said. “For it has been relinquished to me, andI can give it to anyone I wish. 7So if You worship me, it will all be Yours.”…8But Jesus replied, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord Your God and serve Him only.’” Luke 4: 5-8. We know from the Historic account that Hitler did, in fact, obtain the Spear from the museum. He did become the possessor of it… but here’s where the story takes a very bizarre turn. What if another occultist, stole it from Hitler and smuggled it out of Germany. In our Watchers series we interviewed Chris Blake. I discovered Chris when I was watching a show called Decoded and hosted by by Novelist ,Brad Metzler. The show was aired on the History Channel and I watched it regularly. On one episode Brad and his team were tracking down the legend of the spear. Towards the end of the program Brad interviewed Chris Blake. Chris stated, on camera that his former boss, a very wealthy and influential man, had come into the possession of the spear. In fact he was told that his boss stole it from Hitler. Chris then went on to say that there were a group of men and women who call themselves the Benai ha Nephilim - The sons of the Nephilim. They were awaiting the rise of the Antichrist and believed that when this man who will be, in my opinion, the literal seed of the serpent, would go into the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, he would take the spear and shed his on blood on the altar and declare himself god. When I heard this I about fell out of my chair and so began my search to find Chris Blake. I went to the Internet and found a lot of Chris Blakes. After several hours I shot of a few emails to several people who may have been the Chris Blake I was looking for. I also emailed Brad Metzler to see if he would give me some contact information, but that turned into a dead end. About a month passed and then I received an email from Chris. This began our relationship and led to an interview that we had with him which was featured in Watchers 5. In that interview Chris dropped a bomb-shell on us and you’ll hear it in this interview. So come with us as we explore the enigmatic and mysterious Spear of Destiny…..

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