world championship series
StarCraft 2 - Snute vs MaSa [ZvT] Game 3 - SC2 LotV Tournament
From: Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void WCS Katowice. ~Players~. Snute: @LiquidSnute. Team Liquid. Norway. MaSa: @eLevateMaSa. Team eLevate. Canada. Twitter: @VaipoSC2....
StarCraft 2 - Hydra vs Neeb [ZvP] Game 5 - SC2 LotV Tournament
From: Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void WCS Katowice. ~Players~. Hydra: @ROOThydra. Root Gaming. Korea. Neeb / Neeblet: @Neebsc2. Teamless. Twitter: @VaipoSC2. Facebook...
StarCraft 2 - Snute vs Polt [ZvT] Game 4 - SC2 LotV Tournament
From: Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void WCS Katowice Grand Finals. ~Players~. Snute: @LiquidSnute. Team Liquid. Norway. Polt: @PoltSC2. Team EnVyUs. South Korea. Twitte...