1999 武宮正樹-依田紀基 NHK Cup Semifinal Takemiya Masaki vs Yoda Norimoto game of go NHK杯準決勝 囲碁 棋譜 요다 다케미야
оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо. 46th NHK Cup, Semifinal●○Takemiya masaki & Yoda Norimoto style. Go Spiel|Pro Series, Halbfinale (Hra Go). Jeu de go|La Coupe NHK d...
Bats Go Lecture - Bloodiest Game 2016?
I think this is the bloodiest game of 2016. Obviously I have to bring it to your attention. ● Support the videos and get rewarded.