voice acting
League of Legends Character Voice-Overs: Assassins
You know, a plastic cup does a lot of wonders. These are my voice-overs of a few assassins of League of Legends and they are Master Yi, Talon, Lee Sin, Zed and Noctu...
League Of Legends Voice Impressions
This is just a little something. you know. for fun. Music I used:. DiGERATi - Happy H. Christmas. League Of Legends - Surprise Party Fiddlesticks Theme.
League of Legends Character Voice-Overs: Tanks Edition (Plus Shaco)
Back at it again with a new video. This one has a theme to it of tanks. plus Shaco. Anyway guys enjoy my voice-overs of Alistar, Trundle, Warwick, Shaco and Vladimir...
Loot Crate & Loot Gaming Unboxing | MAKE A WISH ON THE DRAGON BALLS
love robot - the noisy freaks. French Club - The Noisy Freaks. Straight Life - The Noisy Freaks. Need Energy?. Pick up some Gamma Gamers GFUEL. With Code " YTHD " fo...
Minecraft | No Words | Custom Horror Map ! ! !
★ Frequently Asked Questions:. Q: What do you use to record/edit. |--| A: All software is listed on my channels about page. Q: What Specs is your computer. |--| A: A...
Minecraft Night Time Watchers | S1 EP22 | "THE IMMORTAL STATE" | (Minecraft Roleplay)
Weird things happen to Steve after the fight but he realizes that he isn't in the same realm as usual. somewhere else. Hey guys this is Night Time Watchers. A New ro...
The Space Witness -- Ace Attorney, Dual Destinies Part 60
Even if we're not in space, I can still add the word "Space" to the front of everything here, right. This Space Case. Today we're interviewing the witness who actual...