The Vigilante | Episode 1 (Grand Theft Auto IV Short Film)
The Vigilante. Is an unknown masked man who tales around liberty city and takes down unwanted people that lie within it. He is wanted by the police as well as gangs...
Let's Play Town of Salem (Patreon Sponsored Video) feat. Bird Catcher and SaD Games
Game Phases. Night. The night phase is when most roles use their abilities. For example, Serial Killers stealthily murder people, Doctors heal people who are attacke...
Xbox One Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain Pt 1!!!!!
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imitando voces de League Of Legends (LOL)
bueno, me di el tiempo de imitar todas las voces de league of legends ya que mi universidad está en huelga XDDDD. espero que les guste el video. sigueme en mi hermos...