video response
Retro Response - To Retronic Collector: My Top 5 Playstation 2 Games
Newcomer to youtube, Retronic Collectors talks about his top 5 Playstation 2 games, so I talk about mine in a response. As you do. Retronic Collector's original vide...
Response To Gamez Of War: Games We Missed
this is my experience with games i missed out on when they were in there prime. great topic from gamez of war that i dont think about too much. so thanks for watchin...
Just my two cents on the hipocrisy of this video,dont take it to seriously i dont want youtube drama. All the links.
VR to Novabug: Friday Foursome #15 - Fighting Games
Something a bit different this time - a video response to Novabug's most recent Friday Foursome for my top four fighting games. The rules are the games can be 1-on-1...