video game development industry
Will Glow the Wisp - Devblog 16 - Non Narrative Game Progression
In this episode i talk about how the Unity input manager, can introduce bugs in your game and how non narrative game progression can be implemented in different game...
Project CARS - Gorgeous Cars and Tracks [PC Gameplay Video] 1080p
Project CARS (Community Assisted Racing Simulator) was a publicly funded project by WMD (World of Mass Development) that started over two years ago. It is one of the...
O adam mi ? | Counter Strike G.O w/pintipanda
Beğenmek ve paylaşmak güzeldir.. teşekkürler. |--| ILETISIM :.
SAG DA INCEK VAR | Counter Strike G.O w/pintipanda
Beğenmek ve paylaşmak güzeldir.. teşekkürler. |--| ILETISIM :.
What's New in Minecraft Snapshot 16w21a? (Reupload)
Hi guys. This is a re-upload of today's snapshot video. For whatever reason, YouTube didn't properly publish it to subscriber feeds the first time around - so I'm ho...
What's New in Minecraft Snapshot 16w20a?
Today Mojang released Minecraft Snapshot 16w20a - the first snapshot for Minecraft 1.10. This snapshot is full of goodies - new polar bear mobs, new enemies: Strays...
IndieSider #43: Kathy Rain by Clifftop Games — developer interview
Kathy Rain is a point-and-click adventure game developed by Clifftop Games and published by Raw Fury Games for Steam, Humble & GOG on May 5, 2016. After decades away...
Let's Play: The Sims 3 Generations - (Part 8) - A BABY! But...
I apologize for some scenes possibly having a blank screen. I think something went wrong with sony vegas. The game is all caught up now
Beyond Porting: How Modern OpenGL Can Radically Reduce Driver Overhead
In this session, Cass Everitt and John McDonald from NVIDIA will talk about some newer extensions to OpenGL and how they can reduce (or even eliminate) driver overhe...
Mejor Seed de Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.14.0 - Portal al End
Sonick cuales son tus usuarios. |--| Minecraft Pe : sonick96 o sonickdarcks. Shadowgun deadzone: SonickDarcks. Modern Combat 4: SonickDarcks. Pixel Gun 3D: SonickDar...
Amy's Land Of Love! Ep.24 The Marvellous Melon Hunt! | Amy Lee33
Adventure series with iBallistic Squid & Ash Dubh ♥.
7000 Damage Kalista Rend! League of Legends
gg cho. Kalista can stack her rend up to 255 times, so I thought I'd try one shotting a cho'gath who only stacked health :3 I've made an improved version of this wh...
Road To Worlds: The Beginning
In this chapter of Road to Worlds, we look back through the seasons and highlight the journey through competitive League of Legends. Through the toughest of times an...