Trinimmortal beats League: Karthus
Will you do Chromas. |--| No. The videos are long enough. Adding chromas will just make it needlessly long and I don't want that. Also, I don't live with my parents...
I am Going To Master League of Legends
I was inspired by two youtubers to start a new video series where I will draw a champion at random and take that champion from whatever mastery level I have to level...
Yasuo Montage ►Best Yasuo plays of 2016 (League Of Legends)
Yasuo, Trinimmortal, Yasuo Montage, Kaze Rurouni, League Of Legends, High Elo Montage, Yasuo Guide, Midlane, Zed, Yasuo Pentakill, Outplay, The Carry, Bjergsen, 1v5...