trials of osiris highlights
Destiny: "THE TIMEKEEPER" EPIC Trials Highlights! Flawless Clips
I've put together a highlight reel of Trials of Osiris on THE TIMEKEPER with some EPIC gameplay. Sniper collateral's, Wrecking Ball medals, a PHANTOM MEDAL even drop...
Destiny - Epic 2v3 Trials Passage Attempt W/ nKuch!
This was such an insane and fun run. We both had some amazing plays and clutches, it's a shame we keep encountering lag and stacked Sunsingers though, if you're inte...
Destiny PvP: The Taken King Year Two Montage
I haven't released a montage in a while so I figured I'd throw something together to share with all of you. close to 50 hours later (trimming, the edit and making su...