"Pronounced Pig-Knee" - A Destiny Montage
I wasn't overly happy with my previous Destiny montage so I took some time to collect more clips and piece it together with a catchy song. Hopefully you enjoy it. Yo...
Diablo 3 Reaper of Soul : 2.4.1 Crusader Invoker build ยืนงงในดงตีน [1]
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EYASLUNA IS BEASTLY | Legendary Hand Cannon (Destiny: The April Update)
The Legendary Hand Cannon received from post-game drops in the crucible: Eyasluna. Eyasluna is a 3 shot headshot kill dealing an 86 damage headshot and a 57 damage b...
Lets Play - Destiny: a Titan's Tale 1
Let's Play - Destiny: a Titan's Tale. Hi Guys, in this playthrough I am going to play Destiny the Game from the start as a titan and fight my way through the story m...
Bwhippped // Destiny I Montage
Wanted to make an overall montage before Overwatch released, looking forward to the future of Destiny. Edited by bwhipps. Some clips are pubs some are competitive pl...
TOP 10 Most Overpowered Primary Weapons in Destiny History!
Listed are some of the most overpowered and/or broken weapons to ever grace and/or haunt the Crucible. This video will be nostalgia inducing for some and traumatic f...